Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Beauty Tips

for Attractive Lips... speak words of kindness. for Lovely Eyes... seek out the good in people. For a Slim Figure... share your food with the hungry. For Beautiful Hair... let a child run their fingers through it once a day. For Poise... walk with the knowledge that you never walk alone.

People, more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed. Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, you will find one at the end of each of your arms. As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself and the other for helping others

— Audrey Hepburn

Monday, August 23, 2010

Dear School,

After a long and fitful sleep last night I awoke to the realization that the first day of school had actually arrived. Pleased with myself that I had managed to wake before my alarm clock... meaning I still had longer to sleep. With a confident smile on my face I looked down at my clock to see how victorious I truly was, did I have seconds... minutes... possibly an hour to rest my tired eyes before the day began?? Picking up my slightly dented maroon colored blackberry I read the numbers in the top right corner. To my dismay I was already five minutes late for school. Yes, I slept in on the first day of school.
Starting the school year off with a bang. check.

Returning to the school I found summer didn't change my dear Bountiful High too significantly. Sue Ballis still stood in the third floor foyer between every class insuring no student was planning on ditching class or being tardy. The South wall off the ramp, in other words, the "Senior Boys' Wall" had quickly, not to mention proudly, been replaced by the new senior boys (who were thinking they were pretty great as they called out to all the new sophomore girls) :) Ms. Christy still stood outside her classroom in between every class period offering a smile to each student that passed. The whiteboards still remained an off white color from all the schedules, assignments, rules, planning... that had been written on them years prior. The desks, no matter what classroom, still had that one broken piece that made you wobble as you wrote.. or tip as you would lean. And the clocks still seemed to move painfully slow as each class drug on. But no matter how beaten down the school, how slow the clocks, or how strict the administrators. The most important thing that still remained are the friends that filled the hallways. Sure some were lost... and will be missed dearly, but so many were gained. Bountiful High is the place for me. So here is to being young, having fun, being with the people you love, and making the most of the thing they like to call "the best three years of your life" jr. year baby here I come :)

Sincerely, your Jr. Vice President
Jenna Elizabeth Welling

It's Never Easy to Say Goodbye.

Packed up summer last night..
it was even harder than I thought it would be.

thanks for the memories. they will never be forgotten.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Good Morning

Good morning, as you rise and shine

Another day in life is here

The hour has come to redefine

Your journey ‘cross the wild frontier

Beneath a sky, in cobalt hue

You’ll stroll along your merry route

While I hope all the best for you

As you continue your pursuit.

Good morning, as the moonlight fades

And you begin your daily chores

The dawn is bright; open the shades

Then, dream until each wish is yours

Throughout the day, you’ll move in stride

As I hold your heart in each prayer

Every time that you look outside

You’ll know that I am waiting there.

Good morning, as you greet the world

Once more, your life begins anew

A fresh beginning has unfurled

And brought your goals within your view

While you seek to embrace your dreams

I’ll wish you well, ‘til day is done

I’ll keep you safe, beneath my beams

Have a great day! Regards, the sun.

Monday, August 16, 2010

How Beautiful is it to do Nothing and then Rest Afterwards

four friends.
two hotel rooms.
one week.
bliss.. pure bliss.
What an incredible week spent in park city. The week was filled with swimming. deep talks. spa's. laughing. eating. shopping. sleeping. movie's. spit. zoo. "i've never". and did i mention laughing??? I literally could not have asked for a better week, I have the most incredible friends :)
yay for girls trips!
How beautiful it is to do nothing then rest afterwards!