Tuesday, January 25, 2011

This picture literally takes my breath away... it's not helping a mind that is already on the prowl for an escape.  
you know those times you are searching for something to look forward to?   
 i don't believe the solution has to be as extravagant as some large travel... but a new project or idea to get really excited about would be nice.  

inspiration shouldn't be too difficult to come by, so i need to keep an open mind and just be okay with the January-ness of it all.  i do kinda wonder what ideas will come along next... and i can't wait to find out!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

embrace life.

our lives are not determined by what happens... but how we react to what happens... not what life brings to us... but the attitude we bring to life... a positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, EVENTS, and outCOMES... it is the catalyst... a SPARK that creates EXTRAordinary results...

embrace life.


Monday, January 3, 2011

The Only Way to Really Know.. Is to Really Let it Go...

it's amazing how you can stumble upon songs... that manage to say everything you're incapable of saying.

i had to let someone go today.
and it hurt so bad...

i don't know why we all hang onto something we know we're better off letting go, it's like we're scared to lose what we don't even really have. some of us say we'd rather have that something than absolutely nothing but the truth is, "to have it halfway is harder than not having it at all."

so... i did it, and as much as i hate it i know it was the right thing.  and who's to say? maybe, in the future you're gonna come back, you're gonna come back to me... <3  ... i hope you do.