Tuesday, October 11, 2011

just thinking about... butterflies?

  I want to be a butterfly when I grow up...
         I have a distinct memory of being four years old and lying in the green grass behind my house.  While enjoying the summer sun I looked up and saw a butterfly.  Watching the creature so gracefully yet majestically flutter around I was left in awe.  The butterfly completely captivated me.  I recall dreaming to be exactly like this beautiful insect.  From that day forward when anyone asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, I responded, “I want to be a butterfly. Now, it didn’t take me too long to realize this dream wasn’t exactly logical.  However, by observing the butterfly I found characteristics I admired and to this day strive for.
      Butterflies stand out from any other insect.  They entrance every individual that happens to lay eyes upon them.  Yet they don’t demand the attention, nor even seek it.  Simply because the nature of what they are, they are noticed.  Once they have the attention they never lose it.  The butterfly is the most graceful creature.  Everything about it is exquisite, delicate, and subdued.  However, the creature never comes across as weak.  The butterfly appears undaunted whenever he is met with any “beast” larger than itself.  Butterflies fascinate all.  Their array of colors brighten and lift anyone they come in contact with.  I dream that when I grow up I may become like a butterfly; captivating, graceful, strong, and “colorful”!

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