Tuesday, December 28, 2010


6. what did you do today?
8:30- wake up. brush my teeth. throw on a sweatshirt. out the door by
9:00- decorating the school. (heart attacks are a fun thing to do) especially with some nice tunes blaring.
9:55- take Jj the jeep home from the school - pick up Stephen - drop him off at Burt Brothers.
10:15- back at the school filming a commercial. then another planning meeting.
12:55- jeffery's house for some more filming.
2:40- hurry home for a quick shower. grab an orange. out the door again by
2:55- babysitting the cutest things to ever walk the planet.
batman. peterpan. pirates. chocolate milk. cars. trucks. stranded in the ocean. don't wake daddy. crayons. chocolate chips. curious george. dinosaurs.
best time i've had in a while.
thank you charlie, anna, and jane :)
7:24- drive home with a smile on my face. get in my brothers car and
7:30- Winger's with the siblings. yum.
8:40- home to realize all the homework.. chores.. cleaning.. still left to be done.
cheers to the weekend

Monday, December 27, 2010


5. something that makes you feel better

a beautiful letter.
music. turned up loud.
being outside.
a long drive.
walking barefoot.
my family.
newport beach.
fresh air.
 my best friend.


4. whats your guilty pleasure tv show, food, and magazine?

  So You Think You Can Dance
i am so obsessed with this show. i'm not a big tv watcher but i can't stand missing a night of SYTYCD
it inspires me. 

i aspire to be able to move the way they do.

 Caramel Apples
i find myself craving these beautiful things far too often...

Favorite Magazine
i can't pick just one..

in a magazine i look for: beautiful images. inspiring stories. helpful hints. good facts. something to relax me. motivation. recipes. deals. .... all the good shtuff. i love my magazines :)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


3. a picture or description of your favorite place in the world
somewhere you visit daily or at least fairly often
Newport, California.

I can not even begin to describe what this place means to me. 

it all started here... 
and kept growing...

Family. disneyland. balboa bars. body surfing. cheesecake factory. sandcastles. ocean. sunburns. newport beach. the peer. rollerblading. beach cruisers. movies. beach house. sand. dancing. shopping. volleyball. campfires. swimming. the fairy. chocolate covered banana's. deep holes. sun bathing. laughing. seashells. six flags. California.

i have spent every summer, since the year i was born, in Newport, California.  it holds my very dearest memories.  it is impossible for me to describe… put into words my love for this breathtaking place.  it is where i feel the most happy, where all my concerns seem so unimportant. there is something very healing to me about California. just the smell of the air... the feel of the sand between my toes... the bright blue waves... the time spent with my dear family.  all my cares are wiped free and i can focus on the things truly important in my life- my family.

just this last summer we were in California when we learned of our grandfather’s death.  i will never forget that evening, sitting in the hot tubs with my cousins, all together as a family.  I remember feeling the deepest hurt i’ve ever experienced...  when the tears started falling, fast and hard i felt the arms of my cousin Jake wrap around me...  

 i couldn’t help but to feel a certain gratitude to my California, for bringing my family together at such a difficult time.  The strength and comfort provided, will always be with me.

 i now have an even deeper love and appreciation for this beautiful place.  California holds some of my dearest memories of my grandpa and grandma Brown... waking up early to walk along the shore, hand in hand with my grandma looking for the most beautiful seashells to add to our collection... or grandpa taking my cousins and me rollerblading on the peer or racing us to the ocean for some intense body surfing J they taught me how to enjoy life and what it means to treasure family. 

i know that California will never be the same without my sweet grandparents.  But I also know that there is no better place for me to feel of their presence and to be enfolded in their memories.  i'm so grateful for all the summers spent under the hot California sun.  there is no other place i would rather spend my time.  i love it more than anything.  and i love it most of all for bringing my family together.

Newport, California. i love you.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


2. a picture of one of your celebrity crushes and 5 things you would do with/to them
hmm... my pick would have to be...

Chad Michael Murray

i have been in love with this man since i was a little girl. you could say he stold my heart in A Cinderalla Story...

but hey, who wouldn't want this..

 beats me.

Monday, November 29, 2010



- 3 dictionary results


1. an aptitude for making desirable discoveries by accident.
2. good fortune; luck: the serendipity of getting the first job she applied for.

have a serendipitous day!

30 day challenge

1. your name and 5 things no one really knows about you..

jenna elizabeth

one. i am OCD.. to the extreme.

two. i express myself best through writing. my poetry. my journal. my lyrics. my letters. = my therapy. 

three. i am a sucker for sentiments.. tell me something that appeals to my heart and you can control me with that 

four. i have kissed a stingray. i was told it would bring ten years of good luck. so far so good.

five. i always shower at night. with all the lights off. pitch black.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

May I Have This Dance With You...?

Jewels and sparkles take me there...

Transport me from a world of care
To that place all girls can share
Destination: what to wear?
Dress me up can hardly wait
All dolled up can't be late
Just as pretty as can be
For a night of fantasy
Dazzling swirls of sparkling light
Colors dancing in the night
Sweetest dreams are coming true
May I have this dance with you?
Too soon it's over, heading home
Standing at my door alone
One sweet kiss to say goodnight
One cozy hug; all is right
Tomarrow plain and ordinaire
But with my memories fond and fair

If i could describe my evening in one word, it would be Perfect. Everything was so perfect. I was able to go to Viewmont's Homecoming, yesterday, September 11. I had the most enjoyable time, and truly loved every second of it! Not to mention i had the Best group.. and most Handsome date :) what can i say, it was simply perfect.