Thursday, February 25, 2010

It's About Time.

Time. A four letter word that contains endless possibility and meaning. Time consumes every moment of our life yet it leaves us feeling that there could never be enough. For the last several months I have not been able to deny the effect this word has had on consuming my every thought. Time became so breathtakingly real to me when I discovered the news.

My grandfather was diagnosed with cancer on May 5, 2009 and was told he only had a year to live. To me, it was truly incredible how time seemed to completely stop at that moment. My grandpa is a man who has always been bigger than life to me; seemingly, invincible. I couldn’t even comprehend the fact that time had gained complete supremacy. No matter how hard I tried I could not conquer the battle. There was no running away, avoiding, denying… It always caught up to me. However in this struggle against time I found myself transitioning from anger and denial to understanding and appreciation.

Time was my enemy, completely in command. Until I came to the realization that it didn’t have to be. We can define time as movement of a clock or the days passed on a calendar. However, that’s not what it’s all about. It’s our experiences and emotions that define the times of our lives.

How am I spending my time? I am left with two options. 1. be frustrated and angry for its limitations and then let it pass, filling itself with distress and vast blankness rather than 2. making the very most of every single second, surrounding yourself with people you love and doing things that make you happy. There are only so many days, hours, and seconds... in a life. And yes, WE are in control.

My grandpa is my inspiration. How he chooses to spend his time... whether it be with family, dominating in beach football, taking us on extremely crazy* tube rides, showing off his killer dance moves, or simply laughing. I have never once heard him complain about his illness or about his amount of time left. And now I know my grandpa truly is invincible. He is a living example of how life should be spent and how time should be filled. He is defying the odds and doing better than any doctor's ever hoped. 

I am grateful for this incredible man, and the perfect example he is to me. I have yet to meet someone that is completely the definition of “cool”. Not a single day passes that I am not thankful for him, all that he is and all that he teaches me. I know he will always be there for me; I don’t even have to question it. There are no words to describe or define my grandpa. The only thing that comes to mind is yet another four letter word, love. I love my grandpa. More than I can even try to explain…

Time moves by so quickly, there is not a second to lose. In the end, how am I going to measure my life? What will it be filled with? I want to say that I lived it to the fullest! Seize the day  because… it’s about time.


  1. dear jenna:
    I'm already completely in love with your blog! You are an incredible writer and already I love hearing your insights on life and such. You are such an amazing person!
    love, mechale

  2. Jenna Elizabeth Welling, you are my favorite. I never knew that you were such an amazing writer! Oh and don't mind me just helping myself to your blog...;) Love you!
