Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Decisions.. Decisions.. Decisions..

Once again my long lost friend has returned. He has come to make me sick in the stomach and aching in the head until my mind is made up. He loves to come and confuse my life; I believe he might even find pleasure in it? And what is the name by which he goes by? The one. The only. Mr. Decision. Ah…. If only he would leave me alone I would find more peace in my life! I am sitting at an intersection trying to decide which path to take. What may seem like a simple choice to others is a big decision to me. Should I continue down the path of being one of Bountiful High’s so proud and praised Mandonelle or embark on a new adventure down the road of 2010-2011 Jr. Class Office. I have made the oh so well known “Pro’s and Con’s List” at least ten times but I still am left in confusion! If only the answer could be mapped out in front of me, my life would be made so much easier. Officer portfolio’s are to be turned in by Friday… So, I’ll be letting you know the results of the decision I make… please pray for me! And Mr. big Decision. Please, I'm begging you to be nice!


  1. Jenna i love you and you'd be great as both!! If you run for office you've got my vote! :)

  2. Oh mine too! No doubt about that one. You will do amazing-no matter which one you pick. Good luck!

  3. You guys truly are the best! :) I'm so fortunate just to know you both :) thanks for the encouragement.. we'll see how it goes!
