Friday, February 25, 2011

the answer lies in the dream.

To dream: a succession of images, thoughts, or emotions passing through the mind during sleep.
To be completely lost in a universe
created and occupied by only you and your

I dreamt my hand you wished to take
to have and to hold
to call your own

my insides churned
as I looked at your face I knew
no promises I was ready to make

young, and naive
only the innocent age of sixteen
how was I supposed to give you eternity?

I couldn’t conceive the thought of
hurting you
so as you looked up at me with those
pleading eyes, I whispered an answer
now only to find

the answer lies in the


  1. I just found your blog from Amanda's blog list! You write so beautifully! thank for sharing your amazing talent.


  2. Kelsey, thank you for your comment! It really means a lot, I appreciate it more than you could know :)
